Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Crazy Texas Weather

What a surprise to wake up to snow this morning--just 4 days ago was outside playing croquet over the holiday with my family in teeshirts!

A better than usual Thanksgiving as Conesa delivered an extra tall, extra heavy boned, extra sweet filly on Thanksgiving morning. Nacar is her name and I couldn't be more tickled with her substance and this personality, so far, that you cannot help but love. Wanapum just outdid himself with these first two babies--this one so big and impressive and my darling Nebridius who despite his health issues, is conformationally as perfect as you can get. I look forward to many, many babies by Wanapum in the future decades.

Although I am not enamored with the sound of my voice or lame comments, after numerous comments, I am putting some narration on some updated youtube video's---apparently some folks felt like my old style videos (pre-youtube days) were more personal than the ones I've been doing. For any of you who subscribed to my videos, there is very little new footage---I am just adding babies to the end of mare videos to get ready for spring baby season. If it ever stops raining (and now snowing!), I need current videos on lots of them.

Pictured here is Nimbus, Corona's Gitano colt that is getting prettier by the day.

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