Here is Kairo who arrived two days ago and is so quiet and calm, he is surpassing my wildest hopes for how I expected to receive him after his the long trip from Washington state. For me, a breeding stallion absolutely has to be easy to handle and be around and no doubt, this guy will be very Gitano-like in his sensible, people loving and pleasing way. It doesn't hurt to have this great mind in such a smooth package where all his pieces seem to fit magically together---wide chest, big bones, substance, and a long, long neck in what looks like will be a blue-black package. I am so grateful to Ami MacHugh, Kianto's and Wanapum's breeder, for entrusting me with this wonderful colt.
Ami previously won National Championships with Kairo's full brother, Klickitat and his full sister, Doña and hopefully, we will do the same in coming years with Kairo.